(for a Dutch version, click HERE)
But… Carl Cookson is very ill and I felt called to take action.
So I followed the impulse of my heart to record a healing Meditation for him, which we can all do at our own time, but the sooner the better. During this Meditation we will join our support, the power of our Light and our Love. We can also show our sincere appreciation for who he is, and for the beautiful soul work he does from the Christ consciousness, together with his inner Templar Spirit and with his buddy Hamilton White.
If you click on the link, you will be taken to SoundCloud, to the Healing Heart Meditation. You can do this as often as you wish. I recorded it in English; if you want to do it in another language, please visit my website. There you will find the typed version of the Meditation and it can be translated into several languages.
Healing Heart Meditation for Carl Cookson
Dearest friends and family of Carl Cookson, I feel guided to offer a meditation for the sake of the healing of Carl. Please forgive me my sometimes clumsy English. I’m Dutch and I’m not speaking English so often, but I think this will work because when we all are listening from our heart and want to share love and light, and all good wishes. We will get along fine in this meditation.
So before we will focus on Carl, please feel if you are sitting okay. Just relax and breathe deep in. Feel how your body can relax.
If you go with your attention to how the breath fills your body … and when you breathe out, feel how you start to feel the connection with Mother Earth. And send love to your body and to the power of the heart that’s in the center of your body.
We are all created from the same source of love, a divine source of wisdom, of truth, of light. So it is easy for us to connect and you can visualize yourself as a channel between heaven and earth. You are a huge channel of light between heaven and earth. And there is divine light shining on you from the source of creation.
Imagine above your crown, above your head, a huge white light. It’s the light of your soul. Inhale this light. Feel how it comes in from your crown chakra into your head and goes down through your spine, through the back side of your body and the front side of your body. This white light is coming into all who you are, not just your physical body but your energetical field that we all have.
And feel how this light comes into your heart, which expands. Give it space, your heart. Make it as big as it actually is. We are so used to being in this world by using our head, our eyes, our mental body. Now try to anchor into your heart. If you imagine that you can look into the world from the connection with your heart, then you are looking through divine eyes of love. And that’s what we need to bring this world back to the original Creation.
We were meant to live in paradise, and if we use the love of our heart we can create all a unique field of paradise. So imagine that the white light is completely filling your physical body, your mental body, your energetical body, all the way from your soul, from heaven, through you, deep down into Mother Earth. So you are really becoming the channel of love and light now.
And we will start by intention the healing for Carl now, by inviting our souls to connect with the soul of Carl. Our personal consciousness is limited, but our soul is so wise, has such a bigger perspective on all what is happening with us.
And to help us I am inviting the wonderful souls who incarnated once as the Essenes with Yeshua ben Joseph and Mary Magdalene and the wonderful souls of the Knights Templar, who protected the bloodline, the descendants of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, who protected the sacred knowledge and all what was important for humanity, to stay connected with their hearts and with love and light, to stay on the right path.
And I am inviting as well the Cathars who lived the sacred knowledge, who helped and supported all who needed to be supported, to do the divine work on Earth. All these souls will make a connection and they will make a huge circle of protection around us. And I am inviting you now with me to make a circle around Carl.
Just be there in the circle as this wonderful channel of light and love who wishes your friend all he needs to recover, all he needs for healing. And ask it to your soul, please give what you can see, what is the most important for Carl now to receive. Imagine that we are all giving each other the hands, sending love, compassion, worthiness through our circle and to Carl.
We are worthy to receive, to be here on Earth and to be ourselves also as human beings. We are here to experience how it is to live in a human body that is limited, in a world of duality, which thinks in good, in right or wrong. But we all need to experience life and we are all, from our free will, we are all given permissions to try to find the right way. And to find the right way we must get also knowledge about what we feel in our hearts from what is right or wrong.
So let’s forgive ourselves and each other for the pain that we have given others and the pain that we have given ourselves. Think about the words of Yeshua with the crucifixion, ‘Father forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.’ It’s our limited consciousness from which we are making mistakes sometimes.
But let’s ask the quality in our circle now of forgiveness. And I ask the Essenes and even before them the Druids, the Druids so well known in Great Britain for their wisdom. They were such a huge source of inspiration for the Essenes. They shared their knowledge, and Yeshua and Mary Magdalene added and brought back the Love Consciousness.
We need our heart to be able to forgive, and to understand others. Feel the big circle around us, also from the Templars, the Guardians of truth of this ancient knowledge. The Keepers of the power places spread all over the earth.
That’s why they built their churches, their huge cathedrals with sacred geometry so that the power of light and love from these ancient power places built on cross points of ley lines. That when we walk in as human beings in their cathedrals, the veils between us and the Source of Creation are disappearing and we can feel the Presence, a Divine Presence again. So let’s connect with this Presence and let the purity of the Cathars remember you of your own purity, your sincerity, your righteousness and your beautiful soul intentions. Bring them all in the circle and ask your soul to give what Carl needs of this of all these divine qualities so his healing can be supported.
And maybe you just heard the sound of the airplane flying over. It’s an answer out of heaven: ‘We are with you’.
Just stay relaxed. Just keep on breathing slowly. Stay present as this wonderful channel of light and love.
And now I will give some silence, in which if you want you can do your prayers, or just see what comes up from your intuition that you would like to say to Carl or to send to Carl. Let’s go together now into this holy silence.
I know many of us have been on earth before as seen as Druid, as a Templar Knight, as a Cathar. So let’s mingle with them. Let’s make one big circle around Carl and then visualize him as being totally healthy, because his soul is totally healthy.
Our souls are healthy. It’s just the body that has a disbalance, and it needs to come into harmony again. So send to Carl the best possible time for recovery, time for transformation and thank him from your heart what he as a hero has brought on earth, has unveiled together with Hamilton White as the heroes of the Lost Relics of the Knights Templar. What had to be hidden for such a long time was given to them to unveil, to bring the truth and the sacred objects and documents back into the consciousness of humanity.
Thank you for fulfilling your soul task and thank all of you in physical bodies but also in energetical bodies, all who are present from the Lightworld. Thank you for bringing us all back home to who we really are.
Namaste, many blessings.
(Song: Auld Lang Syne by Dougie MacLean – sang when Lemuria ended and Atlantis started)
Should all acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should all acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll tuck a cup o’ kindness yet for days of auld lang syne. We twa hereon aboot the braes and tood the gowans fine, but we’ve wandered many a weary fete since days of auld lang syne, and we twa he peddled in the barn frae morn and sun till dine, but seas between us braid he would since days of auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll tuck a cup o’ kindness yet for days of auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, and surely I’ll be your pintstoop and surely I’ll be mine, and we’ll tuck a cup o’ kindness yet for auld lang syne. And there’s a hand, my trusty fear, and gays a hand o’ thine, and we’ll tuck erect, get wellly walked for auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll tuck a cup o’ kindness yet for auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we’ll tuck a cup o’ kindness yet for auld lang syne.